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Custom step implementations

You can build step implementations to do anything; - send and receive emails - query a database - send JMS messages - make ReST calls - whatever you like…

To do so, you might need to implement your own step implementations..


Implementing your own step implementations is easy, simply annotate the class and method:

import com.technophobia.substeps.model.SubSteps.Step;
import com.technophobia.substeps.model.SubSteps.StepImplementations;

public class MyStepImplementations {

    @Step("DoSomething with parameter \"([^\"]*)\"")
    public void exampleOne(final String param)  {

Standard java RegEx capture groups are used to extract parameters. String parameters can be converted to other types with an additional annotation:

import com.technophobia.substeps.model.SubSteps.StepParameter;
import com.technophobia.substeps.model.parameter.IntegerConverter;

    @Step("DoSomething with an int parameter \"([^\"]*)\"")
    public void exampleTwo(@StepParameter(converter = IntegerConverter.class) final int param)  {

It is also possible to pass an entire table as a step parameter. For example within a scenario:

Scenario: A Sample scenario
    DoSomething with a table parameter
        |col1     | col2    |  col3   |
        |row1-1   | row1-2  |  row1-3 |
        |row2-1   | row2-2  |  row3-3 |

could be implemented with a step such as this

    @Step("DoSomething with a table parameter")
    public void exampleThree(final List<Map<String,String>> table)  {

The each element of the list parameter representing a row, with values keyed by column values.

NB. this feature is currently only available to step implementations used directly in scenarios, not step definitions.


Step implementations are specified in config:

    stepImplementationClassNames = [

# OR

        stepImplementationClassNames = [

see the Configuration page for more details on configuring substeps.

Substeps pre v1.1.0

The step implementation class(es) will need to be registered in the pom in the stepImplementationClassNames section of the executionConfig

What to do inside a step implementation ?

Whatever you want !

Your step implementations might need to :