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Features and Scenarios can be tagged using the keyword Tags Tags can be used to include scenarios and features from a wider set. In addition tags can be used to mark a scenario or feature as ‘non fatal’, such a failing test will not result in an overall failure. This is useful for features currently in development that might fail, however a successful build is required for a build pipeline.

Tags are hierarchical in that a tag at feature level, implicitly tags all scenarios within that feature. If a particular scenario fails, it’s parent feature will also fail. Therefore to prevent build failure of a particular tag, the feature must also have the non-fatal tag.

Examples of Tag usage

Tags: sprint1 all
Feature: Sprint1 feature

Tags: scenario1
Scenario: scenario 1

Tags: scenario2
Scenario: scenario 2
Tags: sprint2 all
Feature: Sprint2 feature

Tags: scenario3
Scenario: scenario 3

Tags: scenario4
Scenario: scenario 4

Any of the individual scenarios can be run by specifying the scenario tag alone. To run both scenario 1 and 2, the sprint1 tag could be used. To run all tests, but allow those from sprint 2 to fail, without failing the build, tags="all", nonFatalTags="sprint2". NB. If scenario 4 is the only scenario that can fail without affecting the pipeline, the tags will need to be structured in a different way as tags="all" ,nonFatalTags="scenario4" will allow scenario 4 to fail, but since a scenario in feature 2 has failed, feature 2 will also fail and thus fail the build. To run all sprint 1 features except scenario 2, tags="sprint1 --scenario2"